Carolinas Society of Environmental Toxicology
and Chemistry
2024 Annual CSETAC Meeting
April 14-16, 2024
Sunday - Tuesday
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC
In conjunction with the Carolinas Area Benthologists Workshop (CABW)
Register and submit an abstract for a presentation or poster using this online form by Wednesday, March 20th
Join us in the North Carolina mountains for our 2024 annual meeting. This year, we'll be meeting in conjunction with the CABW and are looking forward to this collaboration! The goal of this event is to bring aquatic scientists and environmental enthusiasts together from across the Carolinas and greater Southeastern region.
Meeting registration includes a light continental breakfast on Monday and Tuesday mornings,
on-site lunch Monday, BBQ social at Broadstone on Monday, and coffee breaks throughout the meeting.
This meeting will be held in-person in the Plemmon's Student Union at Appalachian State University, unless otherwise noted.
The agenda below will be updated as we approach the meeting.
Sunday April 14th (optional)
Afternoon Workshops (12-5:30 pm)
This year we are pleased to offer two workshops! Please register for both if interested.
Taxonomic Workshop: Identification of Pycnopsyche caddisflies (12 - 2:30 pm)
Led by Matthew Green (NC Department of Environmental Quality)
@ Appalachian State Biology Department, Rankin Science West, Room 180
This workshop will focus on the morphological identification of phylogenetically associated Pycnopsyche (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) larvae with their known adults. Application of this workshop should extend to state and federal agencies where identification of Pycnopsyche larvae can be used for biomonitoring purposes.
Engagement of Community Stakeholders (3 - 5:30 pm)
Led by Sherri White-Williamson (EJCAN), Christine Hendren (Appalachian State University), and Matt Wasson (Appalachian Voices)
@ Appalachian State Biology Department, Rankin Science West, Room 183
Informal Social Meet-up
@ Boone Saloon (489 W King St, Boone, NC)
Monday April 15th
Welcome & Plenary Talk (9 am)
light continental breakfast provided
"A Rural Environmental Justice Case Study: Cumulative Impact Assessment of Environmental Harms."
Sherri White-Williamson
Sherri White-Williamson is a co-founder and Operations Manager of the Environmental Justice Community Action Network (EJCAN). Ms. White-Williamson retired from the US EPA Office of Environmental Justice and has held several positions at the state and federal level and in a national nonprofit organization.
Platform Presentations (12 noon)
lunch provided
Students and Professionals will share research through 12-minute oral presentations followed by 3 minutes of questions
Social Dinner (6 pm)
@ Broadstone*
BBQ dinner provided
Tuesday April 16th
Poster Presentations (8-11 am)
light continental breakfast provided
Business Meeting and Student Presentation Awards
(adjourn by 12 noon)
*Low-cost housing ($15/person) is available at the Broadstone bunkhouse cabins on Monday night
Nearby hotel accommodations:
Horton Hotel - downtown Boone on King Street
Courtyard by Marriott - a few blocks from campus
Holiday Inn Boone - University Area
We look forward to seeing you in Boone!