A BIG THANK YOU to all of the judges for 2022! It was a huge effort, with ~80 total evaluations needed. We are excited to share below the winners of our platform and poster awards.
Platform Winners
1st place: Bonnie Ertel, The Citadel
Uptake and Depuration of Microplastics and Tire Particles in the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica: A Toxicokinetic Approach
2nd place: Sarah Orr, NC State University
Can physiological traits of aquatic insects provide clues about their sensitivities to changing salinity regimes?
1st place: Morgan Lattomus, College of Charleston
Microplastic Ingestion by Young-of-the-Year Sharks in South Carolina Estuaries
Poster Winners
1st place: Samantha Murphy, Duke University
Understanding Elemental Profiles of Elizabeth River, VA in Environmental Samples
2nd place: Caroline Moore, College of Charleston
Characterization of microplastics in particle capture devices installed in storm drains in Mount Pleasant, SC, USA
1st place: Morgan Lowery, US EPA
Robots vs. Researchers: A Comparison of Larval Zebrafish Assessment Methods